Isaac R. Friedman
Graphic Artist - Animator - Engineer - Game Designer
Most Recent Work : One-Eye

Now sure what story I'm going to use him in. He's not quite piecemeal enough to be a nazi mutant, he's not quite sleek enough to be a fantasy beast, and he's not quite weaponized enough to be a mutational (alien)... maybe he's just a cool monster. Digital Art

A vicious airborne beast in the Muto hivemind, capable of breaking through aluminum and steel with its hard beak and flying at nearly two hundred miles per hour. digital

pen and ink

Horrifying abominations made by man to kill. They have no other purpose. pen and ink

Concept art for my animated short: Manmade pen and ink

Started playing an amazing adventure game. This is the first boss. It's all based on Norse Mythology, and this, I believe, is one of the giants. digital

pen and ink

brushed ink on watercolor paper

ink block print

cut paper

acrylic on charred wood

Portrait of the Artist as a Young... Thing black pen and colored pencil

Not sure is a five minute short really needs a full blown movie poster, but I made one anyway. digital

pen and ink and watercolor


silkscreen and watercolor


what is it good for? Pen and ink and watercolor



pen and ink and watercolor



Made by dripping wax on illustration board

This is actually part of a five-piece collaborative vertical screen printing project. The other four made the lower portions of the tower with a giant creature coiling around it. silkscreen

I have a t-shirt with this on it block print

pen and ink and watercolor

pen and ink and watercolor

Capitalism at its finest pen and ink and watercolor

pen and ink and watercolor

spray paint and brushed ink

pen and ink