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Ongoing Projects:

This is a shoot-em-up style game in which the player is the pilot of a small submarine research vessel on an alien world covered in ice with a several mile deep layer of water between the ice and the crust. There are giant creatures down in the depths, so any journey is a perilous one. The main character's research base is attacked, and in order to get to the next base and survive, he or she must get past waves upon waves of these ghastly creatures. They must also keep an eye on their oxygen supply, as this will fall over time. The problem arises when the player finds out that, in the darkness of the depths, oxygen tanks and hungry fish look incredibly similar due to the arrangement of LEDs and bioluminescent bulbs on the sides of each.

This is the concept art for Percival, the first dialogue-capable character the player will meet. He is a robotic overseer at a manufacturing facility in the Trench (a massive geological region of the world where the first act of the game will take place). a 3D model is in the works and an fully animated figure will follow shortly after.

This is the skin of the first enemy encountered in the game: the Angler. It's a very simple creature, swims in a straight line and bites anything it doesn't like. One chomp could tear through the hull of a smaller vessel like the research craft the player pilots at the start of the game. Larger ships' hulls are undamaged by these pests, so they act more as a distraction than a real threat.

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